Speed Installation / Efficiency / Low Cost / Light Weight / Low Wastage

The POLYCON achitectural ornament that are meant to simplify the way to beautifying your building with our revolutionary method.This type of lightweight cladding was originally developed in Europe in the late 1940s, andis now a widely-adopted cladding system throughout the world, creating a whole new way insulate and embelish a building facede.Polycon product have been successfully applied to houses, shop house, goverment project and other commercial properties.Polycon also allows architect and designer to let their creativity run freely where designs are not limited and creation brought to live.Polycon redefine the way builders are casting them, tedious methods of brick laying orfrom work to create architectural ornament like cornices, gutter, window hood and sills, or inconsistency in the level of straightness.

By using Polycon product will bring the advantages of SPEED INSTALLATION, EFFICIENCY, LOW COST, LIGHT WEIGHT and LOW WASTAGE.Through a sophisticatd method of extrusion, our Polycon product are formed using axpended Polystrene Board (EPS) and Alkaline Resistant Fiber Glass Mesh as a backbone.A specially formulated latex polymer is mixed with odinary Portland Cement(OPC) and silica sand to form the outer layer skin.

Polycon Moulding Installation Guide

Test Spec Comment
Water Permeabllity FSTTP-0035 No moisturE passed wall after 8 hrs, equivalent to 158 kmphwind driven rain.
FrEEZE Thaw (50 cycles) ASTM-C-67 No deteriation
Weatherang (1000 hrs exposure weather maker) GHD-71 Adhesion – Excellent
Combustibility ASTM-E-136 Non combustible
Fire/ Flame Resistance ASTM-E-119 Passed 4 Hours
Sound Transmission ASTM-E-90 STC 47
Specific Gravity 12.0kg per litre
PH 12.5-3
Compressive Strength 7Day 10.88 N/mm, BS 4551-1998
Compressive Strength 28Day 12.52 N/mm BS 4551-1998
Flexural Strength 28 Day 5.20 N/mm?, BS4551= 1998
Tensile AdhEnsion StrEngth B.S 5980 496.0 N
M.0.R.B.S. 6432 Full Aged 15 mpa
Initial Set @ 20 decrees 25 mins
Initial Set @ 30 decrees 15-25 mins
Alkali REsistant Mesh Per Stand 90 N/mm
Mesh load at break Per Stand 535 kgs/m
Impad strength (A.C.l Committee 544) 11 KL/M
Thermal conductMt .5W/M c
Loading strength 0.22 Unit – N/mm
